Sugar Hill, 2007.
Sugar Hill, 1 8 2007, © Steve Alexander.
Zuckerberg Imperium
This crop formation, due to its beauty and brilliance, belongs to the superior category of "Grand Finals",
the class of formations found towards the end of a crop circle season. A harmonious balance is visible in
simple geometric shapes in which two main divisions can be distinguished; an inside with cubes and an outside
formed of rings with triangles.
In spite of all its beauty, the formation undeniably refers to Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of the Facebook,
now Meta, empire.
The Zuckerberg theme can be deduced from the name of the site; "Sugar Hill". If one translates this name into
German, we can read "Zuckerberg". Furthermore, as can be said of every crop circle, it is a mark in the landscape.
In this case, a "Sugar Hill Mark" thus "Zuckerberg Mark".
As far as the imagery of this crop circle is concerned, there is also something that refers to Mark Zuckerberg.
The chief of Facebook, cornered by two alert interviewers, has had to reveal a magic seal to the public that had
remained secret until then. The seal corresponds in a number of ways to the crop formation.
Zuckerberg interviewed at the conference.
The interview took place during the D8 conference of 2010 on a stage in front of the audience. Zuckerberg got so
short of breath during the interview, whether or not due to the spotlight, that he felt compelled to take off his
jacket. It turned out that a startling pictogram was hidden on the inside of the jacket.
Zuckerbergs company hoody.
While the interviewers put him through the paces in terms of "secret cult" and "symbol for the illuminati",
Zuckerberg stated that it was a "company hoody" and that they printed their mission on the inside. The interview
can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXrKKwHmPz4 .
The magic facebook seal appears to fit remarkably well into the diagram of the crop formation. It differs in many
ways, but if we let the six-pointed star in the middle of the FB seal coincide with the six-pointed star in the
middle of the crop circle, it turns out that the six outgoing arrows fit neatly into the block pattern of the
formation. The inside with cubes corresponds, as it were, to the so-called "mission" on the inside of the company
Facebook seal fits with the crop circle design.
Hidden structure
The outside of rings with triangles shows a pattern that, if the construction lines continue further inwards, is
eventually bounded by a circle that makes the pattern end. Upon inspection of this hidden underlying structure of
the formation, it becomes clear how six or rather seven six-pointed stars demand attention from the cubes. The
cubes create contours or contour lines that divide the six-pointed stars into distinguishable triangles and the
cubic shape.
These seven six-pointed stars are precisely bounded by the circle found earlier, which stops the pattern of the
triangle on the outside. Remarkably, this circle also runs parallel to a circle in the magic seal of the secret
corporate cult. The formation thus appears to contain a hidden structure that corresponds to the hidden structure
of the hidden seal of the FB company!
Pattern with continuation of construction lines inwards.
Seven six-pointed stars.
Open & Connected
The slogan: "Making the world more open and connected" with which Facebook presents itself is rhetoric of the highest
order. Although, if by "open" Facebook means that it enables privacy violations, then at least it keeps its word on
that front. Perhaps the magic of the seal is so powerful that it has even been able to inadvertently reveal the trade
secret. However, as far as I am concerned, there is no need to be under any illusions about the proclaimed openness.
Algorithms that deal with issues such as social ranking, shadowbanning, fact checking, and other types of censorship
are opaque to the general public.
As far as "connected" is concerned, we can conclude that loneliness as a result of digital communication is taking on
alarming proportions worldwide. Due to the rise of the virtual experience, a new generation is losing more and more
social skills. Furthermore, the Facebook platform has now grown into an instrument of divide and rule, with which the
exclusion of certain individuals, groups or certain ideas has been normalized.
Facebook profits during plandemic.
Abstract geometric imagery
So far, we have seen how the geometric construction of the crop circle design showed a remarkable overlap with the
company seal. This in itself can be understood as a form of communication. Nevertheless, there is more to be said about
the geometry that can apparently function as a language. In extend to this, one may wonder why the choice was made for
precisely those visual elements as the crop circle design shows. For example, the company seal could have been shown
directly, but that was not chosen. Why was a constellation of cubes used? Why were rings with triangles used?
The composition that is built up with the various geometric elements comes across to me as, as I call it, abstract
geometric imagery. In this case, it can indicate concrete phenomena such as computer systems and browsing activity,
but doesn't necessarily have to. Reference can be made to information technology on a global scale, but doesn't necessarily
have to.
I use the term abstract because associative powers come into play for the interpretation of simple geometric visual
elements. A cube can be translated by association as system, server, or computer or something similar. Slightly more
abstract is a wheel with angular surfaces that, taken together, can represent a browser. As far as the cube association
is concerned, I refer to my Hackpen Hill 2012 article. As far as the browser association is concerned, I refer to the
article about the crop circle of Cervia 2015.
Of course, interpretations based on association can easily be considered wishful thinking or subjective. Yet, when it
comes to authentic crop circles, there is often enough supporting evidence available for the attentive student to come
to acceptable conclusions. To what extent this is reasoning towards a desired outcome or not is up to the reader to assess.
Systems & algorithms
Having said that, I associate the central part with the cubes as a network of computer systems or servers. What is striking
about this section is the empty core. It's like a cube is missing. It makes me think of information that has never been fed
to the internet or otherwise information that is deliberately prevented.
The empty core.
As far as I'm concerned, the outside with the triangle pattern can represent the entirety of Facebook's global browsing
activities. Given its rhythmic distribution, one can think of algorithms that manipulate divide and conquer. I can think
of filtering that regulates acceptance or exclusion, of increasing or decreasing certain content. In other words, I associate
with ranking, shadowbanning, censorship, and other kinds of manipulations. I thus see a structure or network of data manipulation.
To come back to the empty middle; The absence of a cube can be considered a trend break in the pattern of cubes. The absence
of a cube here automatically creates a six-pointed star. The six-pointed star is also known as the hexagram. Probably the
most well-known example of this star is the Star of David, which occupies a prominent place in the Israeli flag. It is not
said that the crop circle necessarily refers to Israel, but it is not excluded either. It can be adopted as a research direction.
Connections with Israel
If we accept the research direction, it will be interesting to discover that Mark Zuckerberg has been in contact with the then
President Peres of Israel in the past, whose commitment was to prevent critical Facebook content against the state. It becomes
even more crazy when one realizes that the current president Nethanyanu could not have come to power without Zuckerberg.
Nethanyanu was reviled in the traditional Israeli media in the run-up to elections, but at the same time Facebook emerged as
the ideal propaganda medium for him.
Zuckerberg in conversation with Nethanyanu.
See here how geometry and geopolitics are in line with each other. In terms of world power, or at least the struggle for world
power, Facebook, which is used by about a third of the world's population, is certainly not inferior to the most powerful countries
on our globe.
The six-pointed star, considered apart from esoteric or occult traditions, is in my view a symbol of perfect balance in the
relationship between spirit and beast. The star is constructed on the basis of 6 points, 6 lines and therefore also 6 (triangular)
faces. The infamous number of the beast, the 666, is easily found in this way. The (super)mind is in the middle. It essentially
controls the beast by being in the middle.
In the context of this formation, the star may represent an opened cube. Data derived from this cube that is freely accessible.
Judging by the pattern on the inside, all that is opened (or revealed) is light and all that is closed is dark.
Closed system versus open system.
Whereas earlier I stated that I saw the empty middle as an absence of information, i.e. never entered or otherwise unwelcome
information from which one is deprived, now it turns out that this star-shaped center can just as well indicate revealed
information. It can indicate both the absence and the presence of information, and that at the same time...
Closed, isolated, and ostracized
In summary, you could say that this crop formation brings to light an important number of dark aspects of the facebook medium.
It leads to examining the "sociograph", as the company seal is also called, with a basic overview of the idea of an
"information technology platform". That is, in other words, as much as holding Zuckerbergs graph against an original blueprint
of this technological development.
The crop circle provides insight into how Zuckerberg deals with the gigantic data input of her FB users. With or without the
help of his geopolitical supporters, he knows how to isolate these FB users more and more in a social sense (in physical
reality) and also to reap billions in profits.
Private interests have been violated again and again by the rapid development of the company, to such an extent that the
preached openness is in fact a one-way street. During the corona crisis, FB also eagerly focused on banning users who were
critical of the mainstream narrative.
The behaviour of the users is like an open book for the company, while the company itself is characterized by a restrictive
closeness towards the outside world.
Sugar Hill, 2007 8 1. Picture: © Randell.